My Journey toward a more Divinely Connected life

My name’s Melissa and for most of my life I have been a self-proclaimed over achiever, perfectionist and control freak.

For more than 30 years of my life that seemed to be working out and getting me the results I was seeking. In the external world, my life looked perfect. I’m a successful eye doctor, mother of a charming little boy, a wife with amazing friends and I own my beautiful dream house. However, despite achieving everything I have set out to, I still struggled with an internal battle. Constant anxiety, depression, worry, obsessive thoughts, etc. Always chasing the next goal in hopes that it would be the magical ticket to true happiness.

An Awakening…

After realizing happiness is not a destination I will one day arrive at, I started turning away from external validation and inward toward myself for fulfilment. I started my path toward spirituality. Part of this involved learning to trust a power greater than myself. I learned to surrender and let life be my guide.

During my 10+ years working in healthcare, I have repeatedly been told that I have a calming presence and soothing cadence. Prompted by my patients’ encouragement, I began thinking of new ways to extend my compassionate nature outside of the office. I began writing and recording mediations to help others begin exploring their inner world.

My meditations have a spiritual undertone, but you don’t have to be religious to gain their benefits. Studies have shown meditation has many benefits including improved physical and mental health. Many of my meditations focus on themes of surrender, letting go, living in the present and gratitude. I also have a passion for meditations that spark joy.

My ultimate goal is to help others reconnect to their heart and soul. To recognize that the beauty of life is not in some faraway place, but right here with you now.